Author Archives: Christine Lines

Findhorn’s special moth

Findhorn dunes are widely recognised for their unique habitat and specialist biodiversity, particularly their lichen assemblages. However, what is less widely known is the importance of the dunes for moths. Many scarce duneland specialist species make Findhorn their home, such as the Lyme Grass moth Longalatedes elymi, the Coast Dart Euxoa cursoria, or the enigmatic […]

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Greetings from the pony field!

With April came spring, the most significant change of season in the pony year: the first spring grass, the end of winter grazing, and a tide of hair flooding out from the field as the woolly winter coat comes off and is replaced by the sleeker and sometimes darker summer coat (prime nest building material!) […]

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Learn about the Benefits of Forest Bathing

Last Spring it was such a great honour to be finally visiting the Findhorn Ecovillage for the first time. I had read ‘The Magic of Findhorn’ as an avid teenager seeking affirmation of my spiritual connection to the land, and here I was 44 years later being shown round the gardens by Jonathan Caddy, present […]

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FHT’s Newest Trustee and Treasurer

An Interview with David Hammond To start with, can you tell us something of what brought you to Findhorn? The driving force was that my family was in London and looking for a healthier place to live and bring up a child, somewhere with clean air and good water, with like-minded people.  We’d been visiting […]

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Honouring End of Life Paths

Having joined the Findhorn Hinterland Green Burials Team in 2021 I have now, so far, been directly involved in nine funerals in Wilkies Woods.  I felt I wanted to write a little about some of this experience with you by sharing something about my friend, John Wragg, whom we buried on Friday 13th January 2023.  […]

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The Great 60th Birthday Tree Plant 

A Force for Repairing the ‘Metabolic Rift with Nature. Since university, I have held the opinion that the nature/human dichotomy is the fundamental crux of the climate and ecological crisis and our failure to address this false separation will only escalate such crises further. This understanding emanated from my discovery of Edward Wilson’s work on […]

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Out of the Ashes Story – Callum Bell

Out of the Ashes 2021 A Hinterland Retreat that Made All the Difference  How an FHT retreat workshop impacted the life of a young Scottish lad and how these events provide opportunities for young people to engage with the work of the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn. This is a story of how the Findhorn Hinterland Trust […]

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Community Kids – Growing Up with Oak Trees

My daughters, Anaya and Leela and I gathered acorns a couple of years ago in Badgers Wood near Elgin with the help of Tom Moon, a fellow Drumduan parent. We sprouted them and have been nurturing them for two years.  It has been a great experience for the kids and a valuable lesson. It was […]

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Volunteering for the Findhorn Hinterland Trust

A Story of Learning and Gratitude I am fully aware of the challenges facing our world including the loss of biodiversity, cultural diversity and climate change and for the last ten years I have been working as an aid worker in different parts of the world, most recently in Mongolia, to do something to make […]

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Green Burials: A Team Member’s Reflections 

‘We commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life.’ Committal prayer. I have held the role of land manager’s assistant for green burials for one year now and have assisted with the six recent burials of Leslie, […]

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB