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Findhorn Hinterland Trust
The Findhorn Hinterland Trust (FHT) is a charity (SC045806) set up as a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in July 2015 and as such is regulated by OSCR (Office of Scottish Charities Register). (more...)
Lichen Survey
3 species of Cladonia
The 2008 Findhorn Dunes Lichen Survey, carried out by lichenologists Sandy and Brian Coppins, is a 100 page report. It was commissioned by The Findhorn Dunes Trust who own the land to the north of the area managed by the Findhorn Hinterland Group. Records were also made from open shingle between dense stands of gorse, at the edge of tracks and on small sand ‘cliffs’ on the Hinterland.
Peltigera malacea and Leptogium palmatum
Full details of the 145 taxa recorded with photographs and descriptions of habitat and management recommendations are to be found in the Report. Peltigera malacea, which is a Red Data Book Endangered and Nationally rare species, is found on sand and near moss at the edge of tracks. Leptogium palmatum, which is Nationally scarce, is also found growing on sand.
The Report highlights that the dunes and shingle are a site of National Importance for lichens. The lichens grow on undisturbed pebbles, on the biological crust that forms where loose sandis bound together and on heather stems.
Please take care to stay on the paths to protect the fragile lichen habitats.
To review our dataset visit the National Biodiversity Network database and click NJ on the map, then on the next view click NJo6.
Visit The British Lichen Society for further information.
Peltigera species in sand and moss by edge of track
Ramalina fraxinea on hawthorn
Evernia prunastri, Usnea, Bryoria and Hypogymnia species on old fence post