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Findhorn Hinterland Trust
The Findhorn Hinterland Trust (FHT) is a charity (SC045806) set up as a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in July 2015 and as such is regulated by OSCR (Office of Scottish Charities Register). (more...)
Red Squirrels
We support our small red squirrel population in Wilkies Wood with feeding boxes and do regular surveys of numbers of squirrels and location of dreys.
Scotland has 75% of British red squirrels and greys are being controlled in places to prevent further spread. The range of trees that support red Squirrels includes larch, Norway spruce, yew and hawthorn as well as Scots Pine. Greys cannot normally establish without large-seeded broadleaves, especially oak, but also beech, chestnut and hazel.
For regional maps of red/grey distribution visit Red Squirrels of the Highlands