By Kajedo Wanderer
While much of the life on the land is hibernating, winter is a busy season for those of us working on the land.
Last winter we cleared the first three ‘islands’ of trees (roughly circular open spaces surrounded by the tall pines), planted 40% oaks, scarified (opened) the ground in preparation for natural regeneration of the surrounding scot’s pines. Now with three more ‘islands’ cleared this winter, the long timbers pulled out and the firewood stacked, the ground was ‘scarified’ (opened) for easier seeding and oaks were planted.
Another big project on our felling plan was clearing the site where we intend to build the new ‘Conservation Hub’ and thinning out the nearby Corsican Pines for milled timber – walls and floors of the building. Some 60 trees were felled and cut to size there. We pulled the timbers out with our tractor and stripped the bark off the intended post, beams and rafters for the new building. The timbers are ready – now we just need to complete our fundraising!
To the casual observer it isn’t always obvious why we cut down some trees while leaving others. But in our small woodland our fragile red squirrel population needs protecting – and it isn’t always easy to spot their drays (nests). We don’t cut trees with squirrel drays in them, nor those immediately surrounding them. There are also nests of birds which some of them return to year after year – those too we are trying to protect.
It was a busy season – albeit quiet on the people front. Due to Covid restrictions gatherings at the Hinterland shelter were limited – it was delightful to hear Taize singing coming from the shelter on some Sunday mornings, while the restrictions were eased somewhat. But during lockdown volunteer work was restricted to very small numbers coming out for ‘green gym’ – stacking wood in the forest, or for stripping bark off our timbers.
A few people came out to help progress the cob-wall building in the Outdoor Learning Space in the Edible Woodland Garden. We could not easily run our Saturday work parties and had no other groups on the land. However, probably also due to Covid there were significantly more people on our paths & tracks out for walks, runs or cycling. Getting some exercise and enjoying the natural environment, breathing some fresh air. It was delightful to see the little three year old kids (‘Findhorn Sprouts” with their carers in the woods and at the shelter on a regular basis.
This year we are organising four ‘Wild Camping Retreats’, starting on the first weekend in June; and ‘Out of the Ashes & Out of the Sand’ a week-long camping retreat in August. This title has new relevance after the recent tragic fires in the Park, resulting in the loss of the Community Centre and Main Sanctuary.
Now that spring has arrived (though unusually cold) our activities are changing and we are seeing an increase in bookings of the Hinterland Shelter (HS) area. The ‘Northern Lights Sangha’ have been meditating there quite frequently on Saturday mornings.
We are looking forward to welcoming work-parties again and to resuming our tours of the land.
It was great to see around eight children with their parents learning about trees as they helped plant some 35 saplings in the recently cleared SE corner of the woods.
We have completed our annual ‘topper work’ – cutting the gorse on firebreaks, paths, tracks, the Green Burial area and around the wind turbines. The ‘topper’ is then followed by the brushcutter which does the same work in the places the topper can’t reach – such as the slopes of Lyle’s wood. The ‘gorse cutting’ theme will continue well into the summer – pushing back invading gorse on Dune’s Heath and the lichen beds with loppers and handsaws. This time of the year it means working along the edges of a sea of coconut-scented yellow blossoms !
On a personal note, like many others in the Findhorn Foundation I have recently been made redundant. For the last five years I had been seconded to the FHT and, thankfully, in July the FHT will employ me half-time. Looking at the long term sustainability of our care for the land, I feel it is a good decision for the FHT to create its own position for a land manager.
In these strange and uncertain times many people, all over the world, are finding refuge and solace in the company of trees, in the uplifting, healing gifts of wilder nature around us.
With gratitude for this unique, beautiful piece of land in our care.
Yours in community,
Kajedo Wanderer
FHT Land Manager
Baby Owls Born in the Findhorn Hinterland
Somewhere in the hinterland beyond the Findhorn Ecovillage at the Park lives a mysterious creature. It has ears like a cat, it meows like a cat and it appears much larger than a cat. Do you know what it might be?
It is the Long-Eared Owl (also known as the cat owl) – one of the most enigmatic and secretive species of owl in the UK. And… this May owlets appeared -the mama owl decided to nest in the Findhorn Hinterland and hatch out two young, which are now already big and able to fly on their own. This is really special news!
Asio otus, the latin name for Long Eared Owl, is one of the 5 species of owl in the UK the others being our well-known Tawny Owl, the ghosty Barn Owl, the elusive Short Eared Owl and the smallest one, originally not native to the UK, the Little Owl. Long Eared Owls are probably the species that are least often seen and are also rarely heard by birdwatchers. This is because they are strictly nocturnal (other owls sometimes fly during daylight), they have secretive behaviour and they rarely hoot (the sound usually made by owls). Unlike many other owls, they are not strongly territorial but instead have nomadic habits which means they may change their territory from year to year. Having a Long-Eared Owl nesting and successfully fledging in the Findhorn Hinterland is a good indicator that we are doing the right thing in terms of land management.
I like to call them flying cats because they fly silently and when perched, their long ears stand out. Scientists still do not know why exactly they have such long ears which are known as erectile ear tufts. What they do know is that they are a specialised predator which means they are strictly dependent on a specific prey. This makes them very sensitive to population decline of their prey species which can happen for example if humans use rodenticides or rat poison – an important reason for not using these chemicals.
On one frosty night in March earlier in the year, I was lucky enough to hear the slow, repetitive, hypnotic hooting of this owl – “hoooo (…) hooooo (….) hooooo”. It was indeed a lucky event because the owl rarely hoots unless it is calling for a partner and when it does the sound cannot be heard much further than 500 meters away by us humans. To my knowledge it did this only one single night in March and then I had no further sightings and didn’t hear them again for a long time.
Much later whilst walking on the dunes one bright evening in May, I saw the owl again flying silently and low whilst hunting for voles, its favourite prey. I then realised that the owl must have settled and made its territory in the Findhorn Hinterland sometime in March – it had just been very secretive and not shown any sign of its presence. I used my knowledge to guesstimate where it might be nesting and weeks later I had my suspicions confirmed by hearing the call of the two newborn baby owls. Unlike their parents they are noisy for a few weeks when they make begging calls for food from their mother. Since then a few others including Alan Featherstone and I, have seen these baby owls with their outstanding long ears. Their rather slim parents with a wingspan of 1 metre and an ability to fly silently and buoyantly have also been seen regularly. They prefer to roost in conifer trees, but hunt over open ground. Our Findhorn Hinterland has both habitats as well as an abundance of voles and is rat poison free, so this is a perfect habitat for them.
Our Findhorn Hinterland is also home to other special species of birds like Crested Tits and Crossbills as well as rare fungi and lichens. Do consider supporting our work in encouraging and conserving the biodiversity of the special land that surrounds our community by becoming a member and getting involved in the environmental and land based community activities we offer.
For now, let’s wish a warm welcome to our new baby Long Eared Owls! If you are lucky enough to come across them, do make sure to not disturb these beautiful, shy and secretive fellow creatures that we feel so honoured to have living next to us.