Engage with the Land ~ Saturday 28th May 2016

It’s a fun, it’s active, it’s sociable, it’s time spent together in nature doing good work
Findhorn Hinterland Trust Work Party ~ everybody invited, no experience needed
This Saturday, 28th May  from 09:30 – 12:00
Meeting Place: at the work shed behind the Caddy’s House in Bag End,
to be approached from the forest behind Pineridge.Work parties are a great way to learn more about the Findhorn Hinterland while caring for it. By participating in a work party you will deepen your knowledge of local ecology and pickup some land stewardship skill.

Join us every month at 9.30 am on the last Saturday of the month.  We meet at the Hinterland Information Point in Wilkies Wood – that’s the blue dot marked “I” on the Hinterland Map.

Tools and gloves are provided, if you have your own bring them along.

Posted in Get Involved

Playing in Our Ponds – 17 May 2016

thumb_P1030460_1024Frogbit, Crowsfoot, Yellow Flag, Bogbean and … Yes all these freshwater aquatic plants and more were prepared and planted by a dozen enthusiastic Findhorn Hinterland Trust members in the wildlife ponds on the southern edge of Wilkies Wood.  Froglife staff, Claire and Alistair, who are part of the Scottish Dragon Finder Project set up five years ago to raise awareness and help our native amphibians and reptiles, were there with all the equipment and knowledge to help us.  It was a chance to learn and play together – one way of enjoying a second childhood whilst creating habitat for our fellow creatures.

thumb_P1030483_1024These ponds are part of a network in the area providing important freshwater and wetland habitats.  In an interactive presentation in the afternoon, we learnt that in the UK only 3% of the land is covered by these habitats yet they support 10% of our species and that 70% of freshwater flora and fauna are found in ponds.  Over 80% of UK ponds are in poor condition.  It was good to know that we were helping out in a practical way with something that is important!

thumb_P1030468_1024As well as planting we had a chance to create hibernacula –overwintering shelters for frogs and toads – but one of the highlights was to be able to pond dip and explore what has already colonised our ponds.  Great and Lesser Diving beetles, mayfly and damselfly larvae, tadpoles, bloodworms and pond skaters were all there and even common frogs and palmate newts.  Dipping equipment and identification charts were left and we were shown the app that has been set up so that we can record sightings of reptiles and amphibians to help in the nationwide campaign for their conservation.

 Find out more and join us next time.  Have a look at more pictures here.

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Froglife Pond Day Photo Gallery

It was a day to learn and play together – one way of enjoying a second childhood whilst creating habitat for our fellow creatures!

Claire and Alistair from Froglife brought all the kit and gave us plenty to do making the hibernacula  (overwintering areas for amphibians), planting the various pond plants, giving us interactive presentations on ponds, amphibians and reptiles as well as a pond dipping session to see what dwells in the depth of our small but fascinating freshwater habitats!

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Pond Volunteer Training Day 10am – 3.30pm


Come and join in the fun, learn more about the creatures we share our neighbourhood with as well as doing some positive practical conservation work!

We have three permanent clay lined wildlife ponds that were installed last May on the south edge of Wilkies Wood to increase the biodiversity of the land we live next to.  This work was done in conjunction with the national charity Froglife who part funded the project.  It’s time for planting the ponds up and making some hibernacula (over wintering habitats for amphibians and reptiles).

Staff from Froglife will be leading and guiding us in a morning outdoor session (10am-12.30pm) and then giving us an opportunity to learn in an interactive way about pond maintenance through the seasons and survey techniques for amphibians and reptiles, including a species recording app, in an indoor session from 1pm to 2.45pm – venue to be finalised.  We will end the day back at the ponds with a practical netting session to see what creatures have already colonised our ponds (3.00pm-3.30pm). If there are enough volunteers and it seems appropriate, we will also plant up an area as a wildflower meadow from free seed provided by Naturesave, one of our conservation minded insurers.

Ideally we need two teams of five volunteers, one team to prepare the aquatic plant baskets with one or two helpers getting in the water to submerge them, the other team to build the four or five hibernacula which are made in a hollow from brash and other organic material which is then covered in soil.  Children and the less able very welcome to come and watch and join in as and when appropriate.

IMG_2995All tools, including nets and dipping equipment, will be provided.  All you need to bring is plenty of enthusiasm, an open mind and a packed lunch.  Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear.

We would love to have a good turn out to bring even more life to this important part of our project.  Do come and engage with the land and with each other then sit back and watch how the area will grow and change over the coming years!

Let our land manager, Kajedo Wanderer  [email protected]  tel. 07825212816, know if you would like to volunteer or need further information.

Posted in Get Involved

Woodland Festival Photo Gallery

These images of the Wilkies Woodland Festival on Saturday 30 April speak for themselves…

Posted in Photos

Woodland Festival – A Great Success!

A glorious day of sunshine and celebration attended by over two hundred people took place in the middle of Wilkies Wood on Saturday.  Positive comments from young and old were received and there was much appreciation for the diverse range of displays and activities available ranging from green woodworking, charcoal making, mask making, willow weaving, bush craft and nature activities put on by Wild Things!, music making, a bee display, great food and drink and visually interesting displays about the Trust’s work and the landowners involved.

Those attending the guided walks that were run throughout the day learnt more about the land and the specialist lichen walks were a real eye opener for those that were able to gain a place on them.  The tractor rides around the woods and the animal mask making seem to have been a couple of the highlights for the many children that attended.

In amongst the laid back party atmosphere, information was gathered that will be incorporated into the report on the vision for managing the land. A further twenty-five people also joined the trust.

There was a strong voice from those that attended to make this an annual event.

Huge thanks go out to the many people who came together to give of their time and energy to make this event such a success – Thank you!

Have a look at some photos taken during the day.

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Wilkies Wood Woodland Festival

The ‘Woodland Festival’ event is part of a public engagement and consultation process that has been funded by a Heritage Lottery Fund Start Up grant.  The grant was awarded to support the Findhorn Hinterland Trust, working with local landowners, develop an integrated vision for how ‘wild land’ to the east of the Findhorn Village Dunes Road and to the north of the Park Ecovillage, might be cared for. This event is about raising awareness of this special area, gathering information in a fun way to help develop a vision for its future management and an opportunity to get involved and find out more about the Trust’s work.

The celebration will take place on Saturday the 30th of April from 11am until 5pm in the middle of Wilkies Wood where the Woodland Shelter has been built (see site map elsewhere on this site).  There will be a range of creative activities for all ages that will introduce people in a fun way to the nature of the area.

Activities will include games and events put on by the educational charity Wild Things!, short pony rides for young and old and walks and talks to see some interesting features of the land, including the demonstration edible woodland garden and a more specialist look at the rare lichens of the area. Green woodworking and willow weaving materials and equipment will be available so you can try your hand at these and a demonstration hive and honey will be there for those interested in bees. There will be charcoal making and music making and delicious food and drinks available. A fire will be present to chat or tell stories around and a display of informative pictures and information celebrating this land.  There will be tents and mask making and more…

Some events will take place at specific times such as the unveiling of the new Edible Woodland Garden signs and possible tractor rides so watch out for the booking sign-up forms.

Do come and join us for a free, hands-on, fun event!

Poster Woodland Festival
Where to Park.  Come to The Park Eco-village Findhorn. The pedestrian entry point for the festival is at the top of the runway and will be well signed so turn left after turning off the main road and proceed past the Phoenix Shop, parking where you can on the way up. If there is no space, additional parking is available at the lower Caravan Park area, which was on your right as you came in the entrance. The pedestrian path to the event will be marked and is suitable for buggies, but for disabled access please phone beforehand on 07825212816, so we can make it easier for you to get there and join in.

If you would like to help out on the day or wish further information do get in touch at [email protected] or phone on 07825212816.

Posted in Get Involved

Work Party to help prepare the Festival

This work party will help to set up the site for the Woodland Festival in Wilkies Wood, which will include helping with sign making, route marking, tent erection, display organising and other necessary tasks.

It will be at the changed time of 9am to 11am.

Please help if you can to make this a successful team effort.

Meeting Place: at the work shed behind the Caddy’s House in Bag End, to be approached from the forest behind Pineridge.

Posted in Get Involved

Public Consultation – Findhorn Village Centre 31st March 2016

A well attended event and a good mix of people came together to learn more about the land and express their views on what they would like to see happen on it. The event was funded by a Heritage Lottery Start Up Grant.

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Findhorn Hinterland Vision Survey

Dear User of the Findhorn Hinterland,

As you may know, the Findhorn Hinterland Trust has received funding from the Heritage Lottery Start Up Fund to develop a vision for how the “Findhorn Hinterland” can be managed in an integrated way for public benefit. The Findhorn Hinterland describes the area of land South of the Moray Firth, West of the MOD boundary fence, North of the built up park of The park and East of the Dunes Road (often called the Beach Road). It is owned by The Findhorn Dunes Trust, The Findhorn Foundation and Duneland Ltd , and presents specific management challenges and opportunities.

We would be very grateful if you could spend some time filling in this short survey. Click on the link below. The survey is confidential.


Here is a map of the area for reference.

Findhorn Map

National Lottery

Posted in Get Involved
Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB