Member Update March 2016

Community Engagement Events – The FHT received funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to consult with a wide range of groups and individuals to develop a vision for how the Findhorn Hinterland, the special area of ‘wild’ land to the north of the Park Eco-village and to the east of the Findhorn Village, can be managed in an integrated way.


There will be a Drop-in-Day at the Findhorn Village Centre on Thursday the 31st March from 10am – 12noon and from 4pm- 8pm where there will be information, displays on the natural history, habitats etc and various ways of collecting your ideas including a FHT Questionnaire.  (This survey will also be made available online for those that cannot make it to the village event.)

At the end of the following month from 11am to 5pm on the Saturday the 30th of April a Land Festival in the middle of Wilkies Wood will be staged as an active and vibrant celebration event where you can learn more, be entertained as well as have some fun!  (If you have ideas around a creative contribution to this event, do not hesitate to contact me.)

All the information collected will be presented in June as a report and will provide the vision for the further stage of developing the detailed management document for the area.

Other Important FHT Happenings – The above consultation should really help to launch the new charity the Findhorn Hinterland Trust and hopefully more of you and other local people will become members and possibly a few more trustees may be attracted.  Anyway do join and then come along to our first FHT AGM in the James Milne Institute, Findhorn 7.30pm -9.30pm on the 6th of April.  Initial highlights of the consultation will be presented; the work of the trust discussed and a logo for the organisation will be shown for consideration as well as the election of trustees and office bearers.

A Celebration to Say Farewell and Thank You to the Work of Findhorn Hinterland Group

Before any of this flurry of activity to do with the FHT starts, there will be a Findhorn Hinterland Group Celebration Event in the Sunshine Room, East Whins, The Park from 7.30- 9.30pm on Tuesday the 29th March.  All are welcome to come and rejoice in the ten years of positive work of this dynamic organisation that has helped transform a special piece of land from major storm damage and gorse fire to what it is today.  Key events and dramatic change will be portrayed through story and slides and there will be time to socialise with drinks and nibbles afterwards.   Please do join us to celebrate a significant community achievement before this organisation is officially disbanded.

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Work Party Saturday 26th March

09:30am until 12:00pm

Come and help maintain our precious lands. It’s fun, it’s active, it’s sociable and informative, it’s time spent together in nature doing good work.

Our project this time:

Sapling thinning in the ‘Fallen Acres’, to give trees space to grow this Spring.

Work parties are open to all.

Work parties are a great way to learn more about the Findhorn Hinterland while caring for it. By participating in a work party you will deepen your knowledge of local ecology and pickup some land stewardship skills.

Join us every month, from 9.30am to noon on the last Saturday of the month.  We meet at the Hinterland Information Point in Wilkies Wood – that’s the blue dot marked “I” on the Hinterland Map. (See map)

Tools and gloves are provided, if you have your own bring them along.


Posted in Get Involved

Developing a Vision – Thursday 31st March – 10am-12pm & 4pm-8pm

The Findhorn Hinterland – Developing a Vision
Drop-in Consultation Event

Thursday 31st March 2016
Findhorn Village Centre
10am -12noon and 4pm – 8pm
(refreshments available)

Please come along and tell what you think about this special place!
What do you value?
How do you wish this area to be cared for?

The dunes, heath, whins and woods, wild places to the east of the Beach Road are the backdrop for Findhorn making up a unique are valued and used by many. The new charity Findhorn Hinterland Trust has received funding from the Heritage Lottery Start Up Grant to develop a vision for how this land can be managed in an integrated way for public benefit.


National Lottery

Further information is available by emailing [email protected]

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Work Party Saturday 27th February

Our project this time:

Tree Planting for the spring, the Future
And Simply for the Fun of It!

Work parties are open to all.

Work parties are a great way to learn more about the Findhorn Hinterland while caring for it. By participating in a work party you will deepen your knowledge of local ecology and pickup some land stewardship skills.

Join us every month, 2pm and 4pm on the last Saturday of the month.  We meet at the Hinterland Information Point in Wilkies Wood – that’s the blue dot marked “I” on the Hinterland Map. (See map)

Tools and gloves are provided, if you have your own bring them along.

Posted in Get Involved

Member Update January 2016

FHT Members’ Update

A belated Happy New Year to all our 100+ members!

2016 will be the first full year of operation for the new charity and it looks like it will be both a busy and productive one. Time to let you know what has been going on on the land and with the trust and let you know of the ways you might be able to get involved and lend support. But first of all I would like to take a few moments to appreciate you as a member of this organisation.

Appreciation of Our Members.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out a membership form and being willing to receive updates and communications. If this is all you wish to do, that’s great as it helps us when we apply for grants and gives us a group of concerned people to bounce ideas off – especially useful as we have a major public consultation exercise coming up this year!
Some of you do more than that and help with the varied physical work on the land by joining in the regular monthly work parties – that’s brilliant as over time the land is cared for, a sense of community and shared purpose is created by people working together and everyone learns a little more about the land and themselves by simply taking part – thank you!
Others contribute by giving of their time and expertise by attending meetings and/or taking on roles be that as a trustee or in a support role from serving teas at work parties to full time work on the land as with Kajedo. Without this willingness to do these essential tasks this organisation could not function – a huge thank you goes to these vital people too.
Without everyone doing his or her little bit the task would become all consuming, far less sustainable and, most important of all, less fun.

What’s Been Happening on the Land?
The short answer is lots! Many of you will know about the Christmas Tree event before Christmas as you attended and got your tree from the land. Over £500 was raised from that event. Others will have noticed that recently the green burial area, firebreaks and paths have been mown back by our small tractor with the topper on the back – one of our first purchases as a trust was to buy the tractor from the previous tractor coop owners. Before Christmas and behind the scenes, Will Russell, our Green Burial Coordinator, had a lair sale promotion that raised over £10,000 for the trust! On the land more than two hundred trees donated by the Woodland Trust have been planted, some annual thinning of the woods has taken place near the wildlife ponds and the Edible Woodland Garden irrigation system has been completed and handed over. (A big thanks to Tobias, Ariane and many others.)The latter uses grey water from the Soillse communal-washing facility and rain water from the roof to water the garden so it is good to know that we are now ready for spring! Some JCB work on firebreaks to the west of the woods will help reduce the amount of hand cutting of gorse in the future and keep the woods and houses at Pineridge that little bit safer. Wild Things!, our local environmental education charity, has also been busy with P5/6 pupil biking down from Kinloss Primary to carry out their forest school activities on a regular day over a six to eight week period before Christmas; another class will be starting soon on a similar programme running up to the spring break.
I could go on but this gives you a flavour of what has been happening. That said, I do need to mention one other thing; that the Findhorn Foundation has generously agreed to another six month secondment of Kajedo Wanderer to work as a land manager on the land. This is great news and will make all the more good work possible. We need now to look at ways to keep him for many years beyond!

Upcoming Events.
There are quite a few that we know of. Before Christmas we secured a £9600 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund Start Up Grant scheme to carry out a major public consultation exercise to find out how people use the land at present and to hear what they would like to see in the future. We will need your input for this and will be planning a number of events including a ‘Drop in Day’ down at the Findhorn Village Centre most probably in March to which you are all welcome and sometime in early May a ‘Land/ Festival’ on the Hinterland to give us time to showcase our work on the land and have people come and celebrate – watch this space for more information.
In the autumn we will be hosting the Community Woodland Association annual conference with over one hundred delegates expected from around Scotland taking part. It will be a privilege to have so many come and have a look at what we have been doing and have time to learn from each others’ experiences. There may be some open sessions that you will be invited to attend and certainly come along to the ceilidh that will be held in the Hall on Saturday the 1st October.
Work parties will continue to be held on the last Saturday of the month 9.30am to noon ; January (30/1) work on the lichen beds on Findhorn Dunes Trust land, February (27/2) thinning birches and gorse in our new woods and March (26/3) planting more donated trees. There is room for people with every level of ability and if you have never come along or have always meant to but never made it, here’s an opportunity to join in.

Opportunities for Supporting What we Do.
We are looking at operating an organisation that is held by the many people within a community that enjoy and use this land by the sea; the ideal would be if many contribute a little so that the trust’s work is sustainable, fun and community building for all. There are a number of different ways people can get involved the simplest being encouraging others to join us and join in! Other ways:
Joining in Regular Events. As mentioned previously, come along to one of our regular work parties that happen the last Saturday morning of the month. There is always a range of activities for people with different physical abilities. Or why not come along to the Edible Woodland Garden gatherings that happen from 9.30 to noon every Thursday in the garden and led by Ariane? It would be great to have regulars interested in the great variety of jobs that need to happen to make this project shine! If these do not fit you could always contact Kajedo and arrange to join in the regular work he carries out on the land every day starting at 9am or 2pm. Soon we will also put out further information to those that are interested in learning more about keeping bees and we will have regular hands on beekeeping training events. Let me know if you are one of those that are interested.

Taking on a Role to fill a vacancy/need. Right now we have vacancies to fill in the following essential roles:
1. Membership Secretary. Bruce Wallace has done a great job in holding this for Chris Preece whilst she has been away but it seems that Chris has had health problems and is not able to take the role on again. To help out she is willing to take things back from Bruce and hold things for a month. We need a new person for this role of collating information about contacts, communicating with the membership and working with membership issues. The remit for this position has been well worked out and could be shared with anyone interested.
2. Minute Secretary. You may have secretarial skills and taking and getting out the minutes once a month as a minute secretary would mean Judith Berry, who has been doing this vital job for years, would now be able to concentrate on her role as a trustee in our meetings. This could be a paid position. Interested?
3. Webmaster. Jamie Willow has been doing this for the last three years and now their family is expecting another child and he has had to look at what he needs to give up. He is willing to hold the position until there is a replacement. He has been uploading the monthly posts for the trust and changing small things as needed. Full training would be given.
Other areas and roles that could be developed if someone out there had the enthusiasm could be:
4. Tea and refreshment coordinator. This has been done by Fay Blackburn and Chris has said that she would look to carry on but it still would be good to have another person to look after this important duty for work parties and workshops etc. Making more of a party out of our work parties is an important objective for us!
5. Hinterland tour guide. We could do with a couple more people willing to be trained up to show folks around what is already on the land and the work that the FHT is involved in. This would be a 2-3.30pm event on Thursday afternoons from Easter.
6. Citizen Science Coordinator. There are opportunities to find out and take a lead in doing some valuable research on the land as to what lives there and how they go about their lives. This could help us to learn more about how special our land is and help educate ourselves and others.
7. Bird box and bird nesting monitor. It would be great to have someone to take an inventory on what we have got, map where they are located, check their state of maintenance and monitor which are actually being used + order and oversee the putting up of further boxes.

These are just some of the opportunities out there so do come and get involved in whatever way you can. Contact me at [email protected] if you want further information, have questions or comments – we would love to hear from you!

Jonathan Caddy,
Chair of Trustees
Findhorn Hinterland Trust

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Selecting Christmas Trees

Mulled wine, a chat around the fire and selecting Christmas trees December 2015.

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Oh! Christmas Tree ~ Saturday 12th December 11am until 2pm

  • Come and choose your Christmas Tree from the land
  • Make it a special event and join us for a mulled wine and a social gathering
  • Know that any financial contribution you make goes directly to conserve and protect your local environment

How it Works:

We follow the format developed by the former Findhorn Hinterland Group:

Members of the Findhorn Hinterland Trust invite you to attend a gathering starting at the Woodland Shelter in the new woodland area in Wilkies Wood from 11 am until 2pm on Saturday 12th December.

We will have a fire, some mulled wine and nibbles before heading off to look at young trees that need thinning, you can choose the tree that will suit your home, we will cut it to size and you can either take it home with you or we will take it to the roadside for you to collect.

For this service we welcome donations towards the Findhorn Hinterland Trust’s work in conserving and enhancing our local environment.

Get your tree and contribute positively to this special place

Bookmark this event NOW in your DIARY

SATURDAY 12TH DECEMBER 11:00 – 14:00

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Installing the recycled water system in the Edible Woodland Garden

Works for the installation of a recycled water system in the Edible Woodland Garden, October 2015.

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust – New Charity Formed 15th July 2015 –

Findhorn Hinterland Trust
New Charity Status for Conservation and Educational Work
On the Findhorn Peninsula

On the 15th of July, it was confirmed by the charity regulator OSCR that the new charity the Findhorn Hinterland Trust (FHT) had been legally set up as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). This is good news for people living on the Findhorn peninsula and beyond as well as the area’s diverse local environment as it means that there is now a more permanent organisation to take forward the nine years of good work previously carried out by the community group, the Findhorn Hinterland Group (FHG).

The new trust will have a similar remit to that of the previous group although this is now stated more formally as the trusts charitable purposes. The four charitable purposes are; the advancement of environmental protection and improvement with particular reference to the habitats of the Findhorn peninsula; the education of the local community and wider public especially related to outdoor and environmental opportunities provided by the Findhorn peninsula habitats and environs; the advancement of community development by encouraging community cooperation, development and resilience through activities related to land on the Findhorn peninsula and its management and; the provision of recreational facilities and activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the local people in West Moray and beyond. The trust will be more publicly accountable than the community group as well as have the opportunity of more grants being available as well as donations now being able to benefit from gift aid.

The new structure for the group will be two-tier with a board of up to twelve trustees and a formal group of members who regulate the trusts work. To ensure as wide a representation of local opinions and concerns as possible, membership from all sectors of the community will be sought and a portion of the trustees can be nominated by local organisations such as the Findhorn and Kinloss Community Council, the Findhorn Dunes Trust and the Findhorn Village Conservation Company.

As with the community group, the trust will not own any land but seek to work with local landowners to help with integrated management of our special and nationally important local environment. Formal agreements and possible long-term leases will be sought from the Findhorn Foundation and Duneland Ltd with less formal working agreements with other land owners such as the Findhorn Dunes Trust and eventually it is hoped with the Findhorn Village Conservation Company. A lease for part of the Wilkies Wood will be particularly important to secure the use of the green burial site into the future; the charity regulator has included this activity in the trusts work and it is hoped to continue to obtain some income in this way for the trusts future activities.

The Findhorn Hinterland Trust will also seek to encourage more people to get out and enjoy and learn more about the special environment in their backyard as well as organising opportunities to get together to care for and give back to the area. It is intended to continue with the successful monthly work parties that the Findhorn Hinterland Group set up over seven years ago and which have resulted in clear walking paths, newly planted woodland areas, nationally important lichen areas being conserved, bird boxes erected, new wildlife ponds being installed, an experimental woodland garden being set up, a woodland shelter for community events being built etc etc.

One of the first steps the trust will take in the following months is to go out to the general public to find out how they want to see the area looked after. This public consultation will include sharing information about the peninsula’s diverse habitats and non-human residents etc. From this vision and remit it is hoped that a new management document to guide the trust’s work will be produced. It is intended to do this in collaboration with the Findhorn Dunes Trust, the Findhorn Foundation and Duneland Ltd as landowners. Until this happens, do consider joining as a new member by requesting a form from our Membership Secretary at [email protected] or picking up one from the Findhorn Village Centre or the General Office at The Park. If you would like to become a trustee, please contact me directly.
Jonathan Caddy, Convenor, Findhorn Hinterland Group
Tel: 01309691877 Email: [email protected]

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New Charitable Status Celebration

Are you interested in environmental education, conservation of our special local wild places, building local community and/or helping provide appropriate recreational resources?

Come Celebrate the Creation of the new, local charity

The Findhorn Hinterland Trust

After nine years of productive and worthwhile work on Findhorn peninsula land the community group the Findhorn Hinterland Group is finally disbanding and becoming an even more inclusive and permanent organisation. Come join our celebration, find out more and if you wish become one of our new members or even a trustee to help make a difference.

7pm to 11pm Tuesday the 4th of August at the Woodland Shelter in the middle of Wilkies Wood (see map for location)

A fire, good company, nibbles and drinks will be provided
If you would like any further information or directions, please contact Jonathan Caddy at [email protected] or phone 01309691877, 07825212816.

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB