Annual Report 2014-2015

The Findhorn Hinterland Group
Annual Report 2014-2015

2014- 2015 has been another productive year for the community group with much happening on the land, with the people who have been involved and in terms of steps towards changing to a more appropriate organisational structure.
1. The Committee and Support Team. Committee members were Jonathan Caddy – Convener, Kajedo Wanderer – Vice Convener, Judith Berry- Secretary/ Findhorn Dunes Trust liaison, John Willoner- Treasurer, Sasha Angus- Findhorn Foundation (FF) liaison, Pat Carol – Findhorn and Kinloss Community Council liaison, Bruce Wallace- Duneland Ltd liaison, Marilyn Gamble- New Findhorn Association (NFA) liaison and Fay Blackburn as a Park resident. Adele Long stepped down as Membership Secretary and was replaced by Chris Preece who has proved equally efficient and effective in this role. Support workers include Sean Reed who continues to give advice on biodiversity issues, George Paul as Woodcutter Co-operative Co-ordinator, Will Russell as the Green Burial Coordinator, Jamie Bryson who works on the FHG website and Heather Paul who advises on lichens and continues to help put together an on-going photo record of the projects on the land. Ariane Burgess has also continued her role as the coordinator of the Edible Woodland Garden (EWG) project and has reported monthly to the committee with regards to the progress of the project. Once again many thanks goes to the inspired contribution each of these individuals give to make the work of this group happen gracefully and to the benefit of many within the local community and beyond.
Discussions with the Findhorn and Kinloss Community Council resulted in a statement commending the work of the group and encouraging more local people to join as well as representatives from other village organisations to become part of the management committee. To date this has not had a great impact apart from Pat joining the committee but our wish and openness to having as broad a base as possible within the local community has been recognised. There are at present over 120 members of the group.
2. Working towards a new Legal Structure. The Committee has worked on an application and new constitution to become a charity in the form of a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and this was submitted on the 6th March 2015. Charitable status may take some time to be confirmed after which there will be a closing of the FHG and the start of the Findhorn Hinterland Trust with Trustees being appointed and membership sought. Plans for funding Fiona Chalmers as a professional land consultant to do this work and to carry out public consultation etc fell through when the Findhorn Village Conservation Company happened to apply for the same grant in the same month; no award was granted to either organisation as there had not been consultation on land matters. Meetings with the FVCC followed but at the moment they are focused on buying the land around Findhorn and not on conservation issues. Public consultation and a mandate from the general public will still need to be sought before a new management plan can be drawn up for the new organisation.
3. Get2Grips with Grants and Grant Funding. This company, which deals specifically with grant funding, was used by the FHG this year. They put in lots of work and were able to secure £11,310 in total; £9760 from Awards for All, £1000 from the Hugh Fraser Foundation, £250 from the James T Howat Trust and £300 from the Roger Vere Foundation. The company received £1286 as their fee for this work and the grant money has all gone to fund the EWG project. It has been worth fundraising this way although it has not been quite as effortless as was originally expected.
4. Work on the Ground.
4.1 Ponies and Conservation Grazing. Two ponies continue to use the paddocks installed by the FHG with one work party dedicated this year to maintenance work to removing gorse to keep the electric fence working well. Horse manure for the EWG project was much appreciated.
4.2 Woodland Management. George Paul arranged four woodcutters work parties which dealt with windblown trees from a couple of gales, continued clearing fallen trees in the NE compartment of the woods as well as took on the clearing of the trees necessary for the repositioning of the proposed wildlife ponds. Derek Simpson also independently helped clear paths after the storm damage.
4.3 Bird Boxes. Our annual quota of bird boxes with special metal plates around the entrance holes was put up in July 2014. Unfortunately our Greater Spotted Woodpeckers seemed to like these and have proceeded to make their own fist sized holes elsewhere on the boxes including some of our bat boxes. More boxes will continue to be erected each year.
4.4 Lichen Bed Management. Sean Reed helped organise two well-attended work parties to clear the most important and nationally recognised lichen beds of invasive trees. This was done in consultation with the Findhorn Dunes Trust (FDT)and there was an informative article on the subject posted in the local press. On going discussions with the FDT, SNH, Heather Paul our local lichenologist and others continue as to how to best conserve this jewel that we have on our doorstep.
4.5 Froglife and Wildlife Ponds. Froglife still intends to install 10x8m and 8x6m clay lined ponds on the land managed by the FHG in May/June 2015 but the location has had to be changed after SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) carried out a detailed radioactivity survey on the previously identified site next to the wind turbines and found unacceptable radioactive contamination. The new site is on the southern edge of the woodland and this has been cleared by the volunteer chainsaw group ready for this work to begin. Brash has been placed around the site to give greater shelter and privacy. This should be a great asset to the area adding greatly to the biodiversity of this area of land.
4.6 Christmas Tree Social and Sales Event. Now a regular fixture involving mulled wine and mince pies around a fire with non-native Lodgepole Pines being selected and cut on site for festive trees; many thanks to the small team that supported this event happening.
4.7 Edible Woodland Garden Creation. Ariane Burgess has done an excellent job in developing and keeping this project on track. This small demonstration project has taken much time and energy this year to establish with the construction of terraces using the timber on site, the acquiring of material for soil building, fencing, the start of pond construction, gate building and finally some initial planting of the boundary hedge and main fruit trees on the site. Extra work parties happened every week in March to facilitate this with many people willing to contribute including a group of theology students from Finland who thoroughly enjoyed their experience. There is still work to be done on the irrigation system, further planting, the pond area etc but the bulk of the hard work for this long-term project has been completed.
4.8 Gorse Topper Purchase and Firebreak Clearance. A new topper for use with the small tractor was purchased and used to keep the firebreaks and paths clear of gorse on the land. It proved very effective and will be a vital tool to ensure efficient maintenance. A shed to keep it out of the weather still needs to be constructed.
4.9 Other Land Management Activities. Monthly work parties continue to be well attended and the usual essential tasks have been carried out in addition to those mentioned already including path clearance, track maintenance and young tree maintenance.

5. Educational and Other Activities
5.1 Kinloss Primary School. Once again P6 were involved in Forest School activities delivered by Wild Things! in the autumn term and cycled to the site from the school. This year they also returned in the spring to complete aspects of the John Muir Conservation Award with some pupils involved in Small Blue butterfly conservation by planting areas on the south side of the woods with a particular vetch which is their only food. Other pupils were actively involved in lichen conservation by the removal of small conifers on Findhorn Dunes Trust land.
5.2 Children and Youth in Community Playhouse and Woodland Camps. This group, comprising of three to six year olds and based at the Park, has again been using the woods as part of their programme. There were also others from the Naturally Active programme of 7 to 11 year olds that used the woods for a number of their sessions
5.3 Wild Things! This local charity involved in environmental education has been using the woodland shelter area for many different educational purposes this year and has expressed appreciation at having this excellent outdoor resource on their doorstep. Programmes have included Adult Bush Craft courses, Woodland Activity Leader Training, team building with their Whale and Dolphin Conservation Group and Youth Start Volunteers Training.
5.4 Duke of Edinburgh Groups. The woodland shelter area continues to be used by groups of young people who are undertaking expeditions or training.
5.5 Walks and Talks. This year there was discussion about whether to ambitiously extend this educational aspect of the group’s work but the committee felt that this would be more appropriate to put in place once the new organisation has been set up. For this reason very few formal walks and talks took place.
5.6 Apiary Creation and Beekeeping Training. The committee agreed to the creation of a small apiary, initially with two hives, to be located next to the Edible Woodland Garden. These, along with some protection and basic equipment and the expertise of John Willoner and Jonathan Caddy, will be used to help tutor a small group of interested FHG members in the art of beekeeping. This new set up will provide on-going educational opportunities.
5.7 Wedding and Other Celebrations The open space around the green burial area was used for a number of celebrations including a large wedding in the spring of 2014 for over a hundred guests and a small hand fasting ceremony. The setting was much appreciated by those attending and their donations greatly appreciated by the FHG.
5.8 Community Woodland Association Annual Conference Connections with other community groups doing similar work around Scotland was maintained by the FHG Convener attending this event held this year from the 22nd to the 24th of August in Dunbar. The FHG gave a presentation at the event on the community controlled green burial aspect of its work as it now has more experience than others in this area and has been asked to advise on other similar projects starting elsewhere in Scotland.

6. Green Burial Activities. The Green Burial sub-committee met a couple of times this year to discuss important details such as the use of shrouds, whether to increase advertising and the setting of new fees. Will Russell, our Green Burial Co-ordinator, had two burials to organise, sold a further two full lairs and arranged for another to be purchased over eighteen months. Income was much more modest compared to last year’s pre-selling before prices were raised; £3,628 compared to £18,787. He was also involved in helping arrange the planting of four new trees in the dedicated memorial tree area that included the burial of an urn and, in two other cases, the spreading of ashes. A fourth planting was carried out by Pupak Haghighi to celebrate the starting of a major initiative inspired by the charity Trees for Life to work on restoring native forest to the Middle East region and called Trees for Hope.
7. Land Sale to the Findhorn Foundation (FF). This finally took place this year after three years delay. The FHG offered to help organise a celebration and gathering with representatives of the FF and general public that took place on the 9th of December. A boundary walk in heavy rain and mulled wine at the shelter followed for those that stayed the course. There is a verbal agreement that the terms of management of this land will be the same as those that are in place with Duneland Ltd ie That the community group has the right to use the assets of the land, excluding the wind turbines, to benefit the local community in return for taking on the management of the land. A written agreement will be put in place as soon as the new charity, the Findhorn Hinterland Trust, has been formed.

Jonathan Caddy
Convener Findhorn Hinterland Group

29th April 2015

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2014 AGM Minutes

Minutes of the Findhorn Hinterland Group AGM
22 May 2014 at the James Milne Intstitute
Welcome: Jonathan was pleased to welcome members, friends, representatives of the Findhorn Dunes Trust, Duneland Ltd and the Findhorn Foundation.
Apologies: Adele Long, Jon Golding, George and Heather Paul, Cornelia Featherstone from Duneland Ltd., Frank Allan and Marek Durkacz from the FDT.
Minutes of the 2013 AGM were read and accepted as a true record. Proposed by Duerten Lau and seconded by John Willoner.
Matters Arising: Jonathan will follow up on the Mammal Survey with Helen Watts.
Insurance Policy: Will to follow up and check the details in reference to the Green Burial Site.
Performance Grant Money: There is £200 remaining that is held by the NFA.
Convener’s Report: Jonathan’s report noted that it is a time of change on the Findhorn Peninsula both in terms of land ownership, as the FF conclude the purchase of part of the land from Duneland Ltd and the Findhorn Village Conservation Company works towards buying land currently owned by Novar Estates, and also in terms of the FHG’s legal structure as it moves towards becoming a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation from an unincorporated community group. This latter process will include public consultation in collaboration with the Findhorn Dunes Trust that will set the vision for a new management plan.
All the regular and diverse conservation and woodland management activities have continued and good progress has been made with new projects emerging such as the Edible Woodland Garden Project and the Wildlife Ponds in partnership with Froglife.
Questions Arising from the Report: In response to a question about the contaminated land owned by Duneland Ltd and the sale of the Hinterland to the FF it was explained that the contaminated land would remain with Duneland Ltd as it was not possible for the FF as a charity to include this piece of land as part of the purchase. It was also confirmed that although there were some hot spots where radioactive materials had been buried SEPA assured that there was no risk to the public as long as the material was not disturbed.
Financial Report: The total income for the year was £23926.57 and the expenditure £6165.95
It has been decided to place £10000 in Ekopia (adding to the £5000 already held by Ekopia) for anticipated future costs and maintenance particularly those associated with the Green Burial Site. There has been a significant increase in income from the purchase of lairs during the year due to successful marketing by Will Russell our Funeral Co-ordinator. John was requested to send a copy of the Financial Report to the Findhorn Foundation and Duneland Ltd.
Alison proposed that the Accounts for the year be approved, seconded by Will. Motion carried.
Election of Office Bearers: Duerten indicated that she would not stand for re-election as Vice-Convener. She was warmly thanked by Jonathan for all she had done in support of the Hinterland. Jonathan, John and Judith agreed to continue in their respective roles and were elected unanimously. Jonathan proposed Kajedo for the position of Vice-Convener, seconded by Judith. Unanimously agreed.
Ann M. expressed concern about the planting of non-wild flowers and plants on the green burial site which she felt were inappropriate in a natural woodland. Will said he spends a lot of time with people before they purchase lairs and before a burial explaining the pros. and cons. of a natural burial site but it is difficult to police what people do. He will continue to educate people to what is allowed and make it clear that it is a managed site and any inappropriate plants will eventually be removed. A list of acceptable trees and flowers for planting will be offered, some of which it may be possible to plant on the actual grave site.
New Legal Structure: Jonathan introduced Fiona Chalmers who is a professional land manager and who is working on behalf of the FHG to gain funding to finance the change to a Scottish Charity and then work to produce a new management plan in collaboration with the FDT. Fiona explained that there are three steps. The first is applying for funding to change the structure to a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and an application has been sent in to the HLF Start-Up Fund. Once funding has been secured the next step is consultation with the public for their input and out of this emerges the vision for the future. The third step is to translate this vision into a management plan which would require an application for further funding.
Appreciations: Jonathan thanked Fiona for attending the meeting and explaining her involvement with the Hinterland Group. Appreciation was also expressed to the Committee for all the work of the past year, and to all who attended the AGM. Thanks were also given to Jonathan for the enormous amount of work he continues to do.
The meeting closed and refreshments were served with thanks to Fay.

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AGM Agenda – Meeting on Weds May 6th 2015 – James Milne Institute Findhorn

Findhorn Hinterland Group AGM
7.00pm Wednesday May 6th 2015 James Milne Institute Findhorn

1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Minutes of 2014 AGM
3. Matters Arising
4. Convener’s Report – Highlights and Questions
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Election of Office Bearers.
7. A.O.C.B.
8. Visual Update on 2015 by Convener.
9. Further Discussions on Future Directions.
10. Appreciations
11. Close of Meeting.

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Engage with the land ~ Saturday 28th March ~ 2015

Work parties are open to all.Work parties are a great way to learn more about the Findhorn Hinterland while caring for it. By participating in a work party you will deepen your knowledge of local ecology and pickup some land stewardship skills.

Join us every month, from 2pm to 4pm on the last Saturday of the month.  We meet at the Hinterland Information Point in Wilkies Wood – that’s the blue dot marked “I” on the Hinterland map

Tools and gloves are provided, if you have your own bring them along.

Posted in Get Involved

Edible Woodland Garden Project Update

Spring is just around the corner and that is why we are looking for volunteers to give a helping hand to a few projects on the land surrounding The Park. In particular the Edible Woodland Garden project, located on the southwest edge of Wilkies Wood and at the back of Soilse and the Barrel Cluster, is really starting to take shape but could do with a little extra help.

As many of you will know the garden has been designed and managed by Ariane Burgess and has received funding from a number of sources; Awards for All (£9760), the Roger Vere Foundation (£300), the James T Howat Trust (£250), the Hugh Fraser Foundation (£1000), Findhorn Windpark Community Fund (£550) and various community fundraising events including the FHG Christmas Tree fundraiser (£500). It is an inspiring long-term, small scale, demonstration project that, after last weeks FHG Saturday work party, now has a fence around it, most of the terraces on the land built and a mixed native hedge planted on its north and east edge. Peter Mackay, a local woods craftsman, is busy constructing some magnificent oak gates from some of the wood donated to the New Findhorn Association (NFA) by Richard Brockbank and all going well these should be hung in the next couple of weeks. It has been a real community project that will be a fantastic educational resource as well as a source of food and inspiration well into the future.

What is proposed is to have four extra work parties that will take place between 9am and 12noon on Friday mornings that is the 6th, 13th 20th and 27th of March. We will meet outside the tractor shed next to the garden and all tools will be provided. We will be completing terraces, digging out a pond, collecting manure, getting started making a creative wooden fence, tidying up, constructing a compost area including sinking a couple of baths for making wormeries, installing some benches, helping to install a recycled water irrigation system and maybe even planting some of the larger fruit trees. If we get all that done there are other land based FHG projects such as caring for newly planted trees and clearing our new wildlife pond area that could really benefit from some help. Let’s see who turns up and how everything goes.

Come and join in the creative fun; all welcomed and appreciated. Tea makers as well as hole diggers needed! Come for an hour or two if that is the time you have available. We look forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards,

Jonathan Caddy,
Convenor, Findhorn Hinterland Group Tel: 01309691877

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Come, save our special habitats!

Dune shingle and sand dunes are very rare habitats in Europe and are listed in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. We are very fortunate to have some of the best examples of natural coastal habitat right here on our doorstep. Our dune heaths support some of the rarest lichens in the country, including the endangered matt felt lichen.
Over the last 50 years or so fragile coastal habitats like this have come under huge pressure from industrial developments, housing schemes, golf courses, sand-winning and forestry plantations. What remains are a few scattered jewels.
The dunes at Findhorn have been subject to the same pressures. Even now, we will lose some of the rarest species to tree encroachment quite quickly if action is not taken. Seeds from Wilkies Wood are blown onto the dunes and the lichen beds are being shaded-out. While we all love the woods – and I’m sure share a vision of more trees spreading across the planet, we must remember that people planted the trees here, with no thought for our more humble and threatened neighbours. It is time to do what we can to save some of the best of what’s left.
The Findhorn Hinterland Group, your local community group dedicated to environmental education and practical land conservation on the Findhorn Peninsula, made a great start in 2013 and then in November of 2014 by clearing trees and gorse from two of the best lichen beds situated on Findhorn Dunes Trust (FDT) land; the work was done with the FDT permission and blessing. It was great fun and made a visible and long-lasting difference. We will be carrying-on work this year with a further work party on Saturday 31st January 2-4pm. Please do join-us as many hands really do make light work as well as making it much more fun! Big sacks for removing tree seedlings will be useful otherwise gloves and all tools will be provided. Meet at the tractor shed in Wilkies Wood.

Sean Reed, Local Professional Ecologist and FHG Member.

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Appreciations and Update

Findhorn Hinterland Group
Appreciations and Update.

The Findhorn Hinterland Group (FHG) would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ for the gift of £140 raised from donations generously given by the Community during the Winter Solstice Spiral. This gift will be used to help in the conservation and enhancement of the lovely Wilkies Wood area, open for all to enjoy, which is managed by the FHG and now owned by the Findhorn Foundation. We wish to offer our special appreciation to the Spiral team – Vera, David and Katherine and all those people who assisted in preparing and holding the Spiral event so beautifully. The specific project that the money will be used towards will be the wildlife ponds that the national charity Froglife has pledged over £2400 towards. These were going to be installed this spring up near the wind turbines but last week after further investigations by SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) it became evident that the cost of monitoring potential radioactive contamination would be prohibitive if the proposed site was to be used. For this reason it looks likely that the new location will be adjacent to the Green Burial area and near to the Woodland Shelter where people and wildlife will both benefit from their presence. We will keep you updated as the project progresses.

We would also like to give a further ‘Thank you” to the Findhorn Wind Park and their community fund team of Henrietta and Mari for the donation of £550 to the FHG. This will go specifically towards helping with the second phase of our Edible Woodland Garden project situated to the east of the Barrel Cluster and north of the Soillse houses. The group already secured over £10,000 from the Big Lottery and other funders for the first phase of planning, establishing terraces, soil building, fencing and, in the spring, planting, as part of this exciting project spearheaded by Ariane Burgess for the FHG, the wider Park community and the general public. The second phase involves installing an irrigation system using the Soillse laundry grey water and roof rainwater as well as providing signage for the project. This will be carried out later in the year and once again we will keep you updated as to what will be happening and when.

As ever, you are welcome to join in the good work of the group helping bring about these projects and generally caring for the land by coming along to the work parties which happen on the last Saturday of each month between 2pm and 4pm. We meet at the tractor shed in Wilkies Wood. Do contact me if you need any further information or wish to support by becoming a member of this group. This Saturday we would particularly like a good turn out as we tackle the conservation of nationally important lichen beds; have a look at Sean Reed’s article about this elsewhere in the Bridge for further information. We look forward to seeing you there!

Warm regards,

Jonathan Caddy, Convenor, Findhorn Hinterland Group

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Engage with the Land ~ Saturday 31st January 2015 ~

Saturday 31st January – 14:00-16:00

As ever, you are welcome to join in the good work of the group helping bring about these projects and generally caring for the land by coming along to the work parties which happen on the last Saturday of each month between 2pm and 4pm. We meet at the tractor shed in Wilkies Wood. Do contact me if you need any further information or wish to support by becoming a member of this group. This Saturday we would particularly like a good turn out as we tackle the conservation of nationally important lichen beds; have a look at Sean Reed’s article about this elsewhere on the website for further information. We look forward to seeing you there!

Work parties are open to all.

Work parties are a great way to learn more about the Findhorn Hinterland while caring for it. By participating in a work party you will deepen your knowledge of local ecology and learn some land stewardship ways.

Join us every month, between 2pm and 4pm on the last Saturday of the month. We meet at the Hinterland Information Point in Wilkies Wood – that’s the blue dot marked “I” on the Hinterland Map.

Tools and gloves are provided, but if you have your own bring them along.

Posted in Get Involved

Findhorn Dunes Ownership And Management

Findhorn Dunes Ownership and Management

See link below for map of Findhorn Hinterland, (be patient it’s a large file and will take a few moments to open).

Findhorn Hinterland Ownership Map

There were questions about the dunes and who owns and manages what that came up at the land celebration ceremony on the 9th of December. I said I would see what I could do to shed some light on the situation, which is why I have copied the new land boundaries map above. I do not know how well it will show up especially if it is in black and white but it shows the rough areas.

The land to the north was gifted by Duneland Ltd to the local area in 2000 and is owned and managed by a charity, the Findhorn Dunes Trust (FDT) with Trustees from the village and Park community. The area in the middle is the land purchased from Duneland Ltd and now owned by the Findhorn Foundation. It is the shape that it is as the FDT did not want at the time to take on responsibility of a lot of management such as the woodland area and large areas of gorse, Duneland wished to retain the turbines with their revenue on their land and the area to the west was enlarged as there had been talk about the green burial being out there as a joint resource between the village and Park community. Duneland Ltd now owns three pockets of land, that north of East Whins was retained to allow access to further development up to the high dune ridge and fire protection, that to the east of the Foundation land as it was the most contaminated and the Foundation did not want to take on that potential liability and a small area in the north east that was retained as there was at one time talk of a potential retreat space being created out on the edge of the firth. The land to the west of the map, where ‘Findhorn” is, is at present owned by Novar Estates although a group from the village have set up the Findhorn Village Conservation Company and are involved in trying to bring about a community buy out. The Findhorn Hinterland Group is a community group that does not own land but was set up nine years ago to manage land on the Findhorn Peninsula for conservation and educational purposes working with landowners to provide help and support as wished and/or needed. At present the FHG has a written management agreement with Duneland Ltd and soon there will be one with the Foundation. It works with the Dunes Trust on a project-by-project basis. At present it gains revenue from the green burial site it runs, pony grazing in the fields, some wood from Wilkies Wood, grants for specific projects and donations from the public. It is looking to change its management structure to a charity in the near future and, after further public consultation, to put together a new management plan for the area that tries to integrate good management of a fabulous local resource with a complicated land ownership structure.

I trust that the above helps clarify things a bit. Do ask me if you want to know more and I am sure there will be an opportunity as the Findhorn Hinterland Group goes out to consult the public, to put together a more in depth presentation about this and other aspects of the land which borders on to where we live.

Warm regards,

Jonathan Caddy, Convenor, Findhorn Hinterland Group

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Thankyou to All – Christmas Tree Event



It was lovely to see so many of you come and join us for a mulled beverage and nibbles around the fire at the Woodland Shelter and to have you select your special tree from the land. It is good to know that the trees are now in your homes and are there to enhance your Christmas celebrations with loved ones and family. It feels like we have established this activity as a very positive tradition after having now provided this opportunity to our community for the past few years. Next year we will make sure it does not clash with the children’s Winter Gathering so we can have more children come and join us too! Special thanks goes to those in the group who helped on the day -Fay Blackburn for taking care of the drinks and catering and Jon Goulding our stalwart tree cutter out there cutting trees for people until well after dark.

People donated over £450 for the trees; many appreciations to all who contributed so generously! The money will be used to aid our good work on the land. This year the Findhorn Hinterland Group Management Committee decided that the money will go towards our contribution to two wildlife ponds that will be installed up near the wind turbines in the spring. We are doing this in conjunction with the national charity Froglife who are funding half the cost of the project as well as overseeing the work. The FHG have agreed to contribute the other half, which comes to about £2300. The larger pond will be about ten by eight metres and the smaller one eight by five. There will be a dipping platform so that if there are school parties who visit they can have safe access to the water and a hibernation area will be built nearby for lizards and amphibians. Froglife will be offering a day to educate those interested in their work about the animals and habitats that they particularly work with. We will let you know more about this nearer the time. We still have one hurdle to jump before work will start and that is SEPA will be sending a team on the 19th and 20th of January with equipment to detect radioactivity as we need to get the all clear for the specific area we are going to be digging in as it is near to where large numbers of planes were scrapped after WW2. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

That only leaves me to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a joy filled New Year!

Jonathan Caddy
Convener-Findhorn Hinterland Group

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Findhorn Hinterland Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) SC045806
228 Pineridge, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB